Elmer the patchwork elephant ADULT T shirt Elmer the patchwork elephant ADULT T shirt Elmer the patchwork elephant ADULT T shirt (207 ratings) Thank you for your rating! Elmer the patchwork elephant ADULT T shirt From £24.99 Adult size: [Choose]8-1010-1212-1414-1618-20 (+£2.00) colour: [Choose]Bottle GreenBaby Blueflamingo PinkNavy BluePowder PinkTropical GreenTulip RedWhiteBlackBurgundyEmerald GreenTurquioseRoyal blueyellowPurpleOrangeHeather GreyCharcoal Grey Personal Message: Custom 255 characters left. Quantity: at £24.99 each Add To Basket 0 in your basket View Basket Checkout