Wizard of oz baby tutu and onesie vest or T shirt set (124 ratings) Wizard of oz baby tutu and T shirt set Age 2 and upwards From £22.99 colour: [Choose]Baby BlueChocolate Brownflamingo PinkNavy BluePowder PinkTropical GreenTulip RedWhite size: [Choose]0-3 months12-18 months18-24 months2-3 years3-4 years3-6 months4-5 years5-6 years6-7 years6-9 months7-8 years8-9 years9-10 years9-12 months10-11y (+£1.00)11-12y (+£1.00)12-13y (+£1.00) Quantity: at £22.99 each Add To Basket 0 in your basket View Basket Checkout